22 July 2008

First Game of Pétanque

I played my first game of pétanque last Saturday in Vevey. I was invited to play by new friend's who I met at their restaurant in Cully. Their restaurant has become my 2nd kitchen. They are a couple around my age, or a little less, from France. If they were Swiss, I might not have been invited at all! You see, the Swiss are known to be "closed" and do not easily open themselves up to new friends who are not "one of them". Prior to my arrival, I read about this in the book "Living and Working in Switzerland". I dismissed it at that time and thought my natural charm would win everyone over. Well, the book might have been right. I digress...

The game of pétanque was pretty fun, especially since my team won 3 out of 3. I guess horseshoes is similar so I was not at too much of a disadvantage. After the game, we had dinner and drinks along with some good conversation. It was nice to interact with some locals in their surroundings.

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