30 July 2008

Missing home, sometimes.

I'm adjusting well to life and work in Switzerland. I'm finally settled into an apartment, have furniture, and have met some new friends. It is beautiful here and there are all kinds of new experiences just waiting for me. I still have to find a way to get proof, including the date, that I passed my written driving exam in the USA. My simple explanation that I had to pass the test to get a license, and here's my license did no good. Oh well.

Sunday night we had some serious fun that reminded me of the good ole days back in Dallas. I do miss my friends back home, but Rance will be here in September soooo watch out!!!


28 July 2008

Drill your way out of incompetance

If the US government were running a business, it would be out of business. Forget the fact that the country is in debt above its eyeballs, and let's focus on the shortage of one of the drivers of the entire country (no pun intended) - oil.

The production of oil within the USA has dropped since mid last century while, during the same period of time, the demand has risen sharply. Making matters worse, many "developing nations" are now "developed" and more will get there one day. This will continue to drive the demand for oil up, even if the demand within the USA falls. Some may see this statement as an obvious, but clearly the US government has failed to understand.

Environmentalists have battled against drilling and refining within the USA, but seem content with doing the same in other countries. Is the damage from drilling in another country not as bad as the damage created in your own country? The environmentalists are actually happy to see the prices increase because they see an opportunity for alternative energy. But what alternative? No doubt the USA needs to do much more to conserve energy, and to develop alternative sources, but we cannot cut off our nose to spite our face. You never cut off one option without having another. We should have been leveraging the oil resources in our own country for the past 50 years. We should have also been more aggressively investing in alternative energy sources while offering healthy incentives to industry and consumers for developing and using them. We did neither of these things!!!

What do we do now? First, we start drilling in Alaska yesterday. With today's advanced drilling techniques, the process will pollute the land with less oil in a years time than what is spilled in a Wal-Mart parking lot over the same period of time. We must offset the demand of developing nations with our own oil. At the same time, we need to invest heavily in alternative energy. By the way, during my last visit to Los Angeles, I saw more electric vehicles on the road than I have seen in all of Europe. In fact, you cannot even readily buy an electric vehicle in Switzerland (correct me if I'm wrong). So - let's not assume it cannot be done!!

The government has failed the American people. Let's hope they grow a brain soon, otherwise prices will continue to rise and will take the economy down...

27 July 2008

Obama Scraps Visit to Wounded US Soldiers

Barack Obama just wrapped up his World Tour where he made time to address hundreds of thousands of European citizens, meet with leader after leader, and conduct a number of press conferences. Some have suggested that Obama is more interested in being the president of the World than he is the President of the United States (the country that his wife has never been proud of).

His decision to not visit wounded US soldiers in Germany seems to support this claim. Wouldn't anyone who desires to be President of the United States place priority on visiting wounded US troops above giving campaign speeches in a foreign land? Let's face it, the wounded America soldiers were lying in hospital beds not far from Obama's location.

What does this say about Barack Obama as a man and as a leader?

Ready for some Football!

I'm not sure how I'll be able to enjoy the college football season when I'm 7000 miles away, but I'll figure something out.

It gets me fired up to watch the band start it's way into the stadium.

- Baylor Golden Wave entering Floyd Casey

Then, there's the play where Daniel Sepulveda, our linebacker converter to punter, absolutely destroyed the return guy. I was at this game and it was a leveling hit.

- Daniel Sepulveda Levels Return Guy

Border Control Options

The US government is inept at solving the border issues with Mexico. Government officials in Mexico do not want it solved. Why would they as our weak controls allow their criminals and poor to head North and become someone else's problem.

It really has become a joke, but one with serious consequences. Neither party wants to enforce the law because of fear of losing the growing Mexican vote. There is a serious lack of leadership in both parties these days. It's a shame when ordinary American's have to push for solutions themselves...

26 July 2008

Life's Good

When I received the job offer to work in Switzerland, they didn't have to twist my arm for me to accept it. It's such a beautiful place here. Words cannot describe the beauty and photos cannot tell the entire story.

Today, I walked down to the waterside which is only a couple of minutes from my apartment. Below is what I saw.

What you cannot see too well are the Alps on the other side of Lac Laman (Lake Geneva). It was a bit cloudy but still picturesque.

After having some healthy ice cream : ))), I returned to my apartment and relaxed on the terrace with some red wine from the region, and some Skype chatting with friends back in the USA.

Not that is cannot be challenging, but life is good!!!

25 July 2008

Obama World Tour

Barack Obama has taken his campaign to foreign shores. He has loaded his campaign plane with his top supporters - the liberal press. He is speaking to friendly crowds in Europe who want nothing more than a liberal US President. What does he want to accomplish on this trip? He has to make a strong case in two critical areas. He has to demonstrate that he has foreign policy experience, and that he can bolster the support of European leaders which Bush was unable to do this time around with Iraq.

Let's start by giving credit where credit is due. He looks like a leader and has managed to deliver press conferences with a number of foreign leaders. But, this is where is stops... Everyone knows that Europe wants to elect Barack Obama. After slipping up and saying he will consider splitting Jerusalem, the Palestinians now want to elect Barack Obama. The leaders of Europe consider it a pleasure to host Obama for a press conference. Together, they are offered up slow pitch softball questions from Obama's friends who came along for the ride, and everyone looks really good in the process.

But, has Obama been successful at making the case he needs to make? Let's start with foreign policy experience. This is an easy one. Anyone can travel country to country and jump on a stump to talk about the issues he has talked about for a year now - especially to a crazed crowd of European liberals. Anyone can have a one time conversation with a group of soldiers and meet for an update with a General in a warzone. But, this does not give a person foreign policy experience. A person achieves experience when they roll up their own sleeves and get involved to solve (or create then fix) real problems. Barack Obama has never done this outside the USA. He simply has no foreign policy experience.

What about his ability to bolster support from European leaders? Let's start by recalling the fact that the leadership has changed in both Germany and France where Bush faced European style liberal opposition to the war in Iraq. The new leaders actually support Bush!! The shame is that they were not in leadership before the war started in Iraq. But, with the Iraqi investments both countries had (probably still have) at the time, perhaps it would not matter who was in office. I'm sure it's difficult to take a stand when over 35 UN sanctions are broken but you have so much money on the table which could be at risk. The point is, getting post war consensus from Sarkozy and Merkel in 2008 is nothing compared to trying to get consensus from Chirac and Schröder before the war ever started. At least Bush had the majority backing of the US Congress...

Barack Obama cannot claim to have foreign policy experience and the ability to generate support in Europe after taking a 2 week World Tour. Anyone could do that... In the end, however, I'm not sure it matters. His base will support him no matter what. Pending any major errors, the real question is, who will attract the majority of Independent voters?

22 July 2008

First Game of Pétanque

I played my first game of pétanque last Saturday in Vevey. I was invited to play by new friend's who I met at their restaurant in Cully. Their restaurant has become my 2nd kitchen. They are a couple around my age, or a little less, from France. If they were Swiss, I might not have been invited at all! You see, the Swiss are known to be "closed" and do not easily open themselves up to new friends who are not "one of them". Prior to my arrival, I read about this in the book "Living and Working in Switzerland". I dismissed it at that time and thought my natural charm would win everyone over. Well, the book might have been right. I digress...

The game of pétanque was pretty fun, especially since my team won 3 out of 3. I guess horseshoes is similar so I was not at too much of a disadvantage. After the game, we had dinner and drinks along with some good conversation. It was nice to interact with some locals in their surroundings.

1st Post

I just created this blog site to share random thoughts, pictures, and who knows what else. I have been in Switzerland for 6 months of an agreed upon contract term of 3 years. If I want, I can probably stay much longer. If I adapt to the culture, I can see myself considering this option. If not ..... well let's think positive.

There are many many things to do and see here, and of course write about. Every detail of life is a new experience as I learn to live in a new place. I find it necessary to remain flexible and open to change, but also feel it necessary to hold onto certain truths which I bring here with me.

So - this is my first post and we shall see how many follow...