28 October 2012

Invitation to Elite Online Communities Sought

As an expat who is always interested in connecting with professionals or people with similar, or even different, life experiences, I'm always on the watch for interesting in-roads. In Switzerland, I've been a member of several 'communities' (no names) but cannot say I'm overly impressed.

Maybe I'm slow to the latest, but I've become aware of several more 'elite' if not niche environments. Without doing a poll of friends to see who are already members, I have one I know of who is... They only have a handful of invitations in total which ensures these communities remain small, unlike Facebook for example.

The two sites are 'A Small World' and 'Best of all Worlds'. I figured I'd try the power of a blog to see if I can get an invite to one or both...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
