24 August 2008

Tesla Fever

I started reading about production of the Tesla several years ago. It is lithium battery powered car that will leave many gasoline powered cars in the rear view mirror. It accelerates with constant power across the power curve. It will travel 300 and something miles on a single charge. It is 100% carbon fiber which means it is very light. I have no idea what this means if you get into an accident?

I considered ordering one before I decided to move to Switzerland. Even after coming here, I wrote Tesla to see if they could ship one here. They didn't respond to my message which I think is pretty crappy on their part. But, even if I could get it here, where would I charge it? Where would I take it for service?

So - I'm left driving a slower gasoline powered car, paying about $8 gallon for petrol, and feeling jealous of people who have one of these babies!!

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