18 May 2013

Obama, the great Change Agent

People wanted 'change' and voted for the change. Increased transparency, closed prison for terrorists, reduced debt, more jobs, etc were all in the cards.
How are we doing?
- Blood on the hands of Clinton and Obama who stood down SEALs who were in Libya and on the way to help those who were murdered; oh, and there were no demonstrations resulting from a video as represented by our great leaders.
- Naming of Czars and others without following constitutional process (first in history); two now shot down in court so at least we maintain some balance of 'power'.
- IRS rejecting non tax status for conservative political party supporters; I'm sure no one in the administration knew it was happening.
- White House obtaining phone numbers from AP in attempt to intimidate the press.
- If we spend trillions for 'government' to create jobs, unemployment won't go beyond n%; oops, well we probably didn't waste enough so we should spend more.
- 'I will cut the debt as we cannot pass this to our children'; welllll, it only tripled with the 'annointed one' in power.
- Even the terrible prison in Cuba remains open. But, there really is not threat of terrorism anyway. Just ask the families of the Bengazi victims or those from Boston. After all, Obama defected terrorism.

Good grief. We could go on and on. Is this the change we really need as a country. I say 'No'.

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